Category Archives: Uncategorized

Spring Knack 2014

Spring Knack 2014- I did not really feel like going to a market (or anywhere!) that morning, but the knack is the knack is the knack. Means- however bad I feel, thanks to the customers and other stallholders I always walk away happy !Spring Knack 2014


I made a bunting the other day

which kind of led to taste blood (ok, I am watching the last True Blood Season at the moment ;-)- bunting wise

So I made another one I had on my mind for a looooong timeBunting


I hung it up a wall in the lounge and my husband said:”i don’t know what it is good for- something dangling from the wall. Stupid!”

So I was looking for another way to use it

And here we go

Pacmanbunting 1


I wanted to make something that would match the Spring Knack Craft Market. Here we go- category “up cycled”: fizzy drink bottles transformed into vases (filled with kind of up cycled flowers and weeds I collected on a walk with a friend this morning) !
So easy- but aren´t they pretty!
 Vase 6

Mission Accomplished :-)!

OMG! When I work on something new it hardly ever happens (practically never!) that it turns out to be exactly as I wanted it to be. So when I opened my washing machine and found that pinky and inky got a new friend- I mean, finally got their foe ;D- it made me VERY happy.Pacman


I love to swap my creations with other crafters! It is actually almost better than selling them! Apart from getting something that I would not be able to make myself I know who is the maker. I would wish that this is the way it should be. Everytime I see something handmade and get the “Oh, I like it very much but it is just too expensive” thought I try to re-programme my brain into thinking “I´d rather have this one precious item than 10 cheap ones made in India under circumstances that not only exploits the maker but possibly kill them!”
This wonderful upcycled pair of gloves was made by Lynn from chameleon!

Craft 2.0

I am very excited to be part of Craft 2.0 tomorrow. The location is perfect, it feels as if the Theatre is filled with so many happy memories that you simply have to feel comfortable there. And craft and comfort- hmmm, what a wonderful combination!

The last fair was such a huge success that I got a little bit carried away by booking a large table this time. When I test set it up this morning I couldn´t believe how big BIG actually is! When I think of “table”, the table that comes straight to my mind is our dining table- which is 150cm width. I know that now- because I measured it at least 5 times to make sure I haven´t made a mistake. But I had to fill a 210cm table! I managed- but I went through a couple of stages.

Since my sister asked me how it can possibly be so complicated to set up a paltry table, here is the breakdown:

Stage 1: putting the Red Hot Chili Peppers on- loud! Started singing and decorating the table. Ended up attaching missing price tags and sort the wheat from the chaff. Mood: very good! Time: 30 minutes

Stage 2: finally starting to shuffle items around. Then the boxes underneath the tablecloth. Back and forth a couple of times until after another half hour nothing really has happened. Mood: still good!

Stage 3: continuing step 2 for another enternity. Mood: inpatient!

Stage 4: some items have found their place but there is still so much more to put on the table but as usual all of the sudden the huge table seems to be too small Mood: ok

Stage 5: another 30 minutes later and for the next 30 minutes: looking at the table in disgust. Finishing decorating it. Liking it, not liking it until nothing seems to look good anymore… Mood: not good!

Stage 6: leave the table- and don´t look back for an hour Mood: still not good!

Stage 7: coming back. Still not liking the look of it but not detest it anymore. What an improvement! Mood: ok to good

Stage 8: looking at the table and finding it ok Mood: good!

Stage 9: looking at the table and finding it fabulous! Mood: very good

Stage 10: take the smartphone out and take a lot of pictures so that I can copy the table tomorrow

Stage 11: packing everything into suitcases- the best part of it all. First off all the hard work is done and I can sleep tight, second: I simply love packing because it reminds me of playing Tetris. Problem: there weren´t any round pieces in Tetris. but still, I am a pro, I can manage 😀 Mood: Totally ready to go!!

Merry Golightly on Facebook

I hate facebook. But still, this is my page:

I should probably say that I don´t loathe Facebook for it´s practical reasons ;-). It has more to do with the way it is dealt with. Therefore a big part of me does not want to part of it at all- I have deleted my private page a few years ago. But Merry Golightly needs to make her own experiences. And can always go if she does not like it!

I should take better care of my website so that one day it won´t feel as if Facebook is the one and only connection to the world.