Monthly Archives: October 2014

The power of making things- Part II

The other powerful side of crocheting I just discovered (I know, I know, I mean, wasn´t that one of the reasons I started making things- for others!- in the first place?) is, that it can put a smile on a beloved person.

A friend that is having a really hard time and wanted to get a hat but wanted to wait until next winter- definitely needs something to keep her warm and safe. I don´t know what it is with hats but they make me feel safe. I got really addicted after having made and worn my first one. I can´t do without one anymore. And I don´t WANT to do without want anymore. Sometime I even sleep with my hat on. If I don´t know how to help, or if it seems as if I can´t help- usually a hat can do the trick!

A hat is also a really useful item for someone going through Chemotherapie, which was another hat I made recently. Cancer sucks. And not being able to help sucks a lot, too. But making a hat and knowing that it might be at least a little tiny bit of help and might keep the spirit up is wonderful!

The power of making things- Part I

One of the best things about making things is, that if somethings goes kaputt I can simply make a new version of it. Like these slippers I made for my mini-me.

Arthurs Slippers alt
It wasn´t exactly love at first sight but eventually he got so used to wearing them all the time that he was devastated when they fell apart.

I had to promise that after Craft Central I would make him a new pair.

SlippersHe has been wearing them for a couple of weeks now and when I saw them sitting in the hallway this morning, right beside my pair it warmed my heart.

Arthurs Slippers neu

There and back again

I don´t know what it is with these mischievous ghosts… Every time I send them somewhere they decide to go somewhere else. This time they even managed to circumnavigate the world! They went 18000km to Germany and back again. Unfortunately together with a VIBB (very important baby blanket) for an even more important baby !


Decke 1

The big day!

The big day!!! Craft Central was huge, lots of talented stallholders and so many people! I got the best compliment ever when someone told me that walking by my table made her very happy . When I saw her at another stall a bit later she looked at me and said:”You are the happy stall, right!” Hehehehehe.
 Craft Central 2